Lutheran. Conservative. Classical.
Luther Classical College educates Lutherans in the classical, Lutheran tradition and prepares them for godly vocations within family, church, and society, fostering Christian culture through study of the best of our Western heritage. Learn more…
What People Are Saying about LCC
In the Latin version of the Large Catechism, parents are exhorted “to have [their children] instructed and trained in a liberal education.” Such a classical education combined with Christian theology defined Lutheran higher education for centuries. And now it is coming back!
Gene Edward VeithAuthor of Spirituality of the Cross
Give me a plumber who reads Virgil, a carpenter who plays the pipe organ, and a pastor who recognizes a strong trochaic foot. Give me a world full of thinking men and women educated in the liberal arts who confess Christ in their vocations, debate the sanctity of life in the public square, and discuss Tocqueville over supper. Give me a neighborhood full of graduates from Luther Classical College, and I will look forward to tomorrow.
Katie SchuermannAuthor
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. How wonderful to have an educational institution that aims to build students up in Christ, rather than scrape and claw at their faith and trust in the Lord. How wonderful to have a college that builds on the foundation of what is beautiful and true and good, rather than the ugly and aimless subjectivism of our age. How wonderful to be a part of establishing Luther Classical College.
Rev. Bryan WolfmuellerAuthor of Has American Christianity Failed?
We are in an age of barbarism. It falls to us to defend and extend our Western Christian civilization, and Luther Classical College does just that. It is devoted to the fear of God and the life of the mind for the good of the church. Now is the time to build afresh so that our grandchildren may be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
Rev. Dr. Adam KoontzPastor and Evangelist of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Oakmont, Pennsylvania
As a Christian father, I educate my children so that they may grow in grace and knowledge and service to others. When they leave my charge, I am excited that Luther Classical College will be waiting. I can think of no better foundation for the next generation than a liberal arts education grounded in Lutheran doctrine, taught by Lutheran pastors and professors, and surrounded by Lutheran mentors and friends.
Kirk MeyerOwner, Kloria Publishing
Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man, and isn’t that what we want for our children? Luther Classical College promises an accessible, faith-filled transition into adult vocations with rigorous standards for thought, word, and deed.
Mary J. MoerbeLutheran Author, Speaker, and Homeschooling Parent
Too often Christians are tempted to despair when they see the world raging against us in the institutions where we once were welcomed. A far better response is to build faithful towers on the solid rock of our confession. As someone who wants his children to receive both a godly and a great education, I am profoundly excited to see what the future holds for Lutheran Classical College. I believe this is an endeavor worthy of your support.
Rev. Hans FieneCreator of Lutheran Satire
We must be like householders who search the cultural storerooms, bringing out treasures old and new. Our roots must run deep. By supporting Lutheran classical education, we invest in the sure hope of treasures eternal. While the world drifts into a kind of cultural amnesia, we must equip our young people to be soldiers of the cross, true scribes of the kingdom.
Rev. Dr. Peter ScaerProfessor of Exegetical Theology, CTSFW