Luther Classical College recently received notice from the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) that the college’s application for Recognized Service Organization (RSO) is being denied consideration. Notable RSOs include Lutherans for Life, Wittenberg Academy, and the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education, each of which includes, like LCC, rostered LCMS clergy on its board of directors. However, CAO Felix Loc’s letter interprets Synod bylaws to disallow institutions of higher education from applying for RSO status. As previously communicated through other synodical channels, LCC interprets those bylaws differently and believes they allow the possibility for a college to seek RSO status.
In view of the current impasse, LCC intends to continue its efforts to communicate with various Synod leaders about potential pathways toward formalizing a relationship between LCC and Synod. Meanwhile, LCC remains grateful for the support of 199 LCMS congregations spanning nearly 40 states that contribute to its operational budget, together with over 1,000 individual donors. As LCC previously communicated to Mr. Loc, it was with encouragement from such supporters that LCC submitted its RSO application earlier this month.
LCC is a uniquely confessional Lutheran college. All faculty (even adjuncts) and administrators must be faithful LCMS members in good standing, with faculty subscribing to Holy Scripture as the inspired, inerrant Word of God and to the Book of Concord of 1580 as the correct exposition of Holy Scripture. The same expectation applies to members of the Board of Regents. The curriculum has been carefully constructed on the basis of historical research, pedagogical best practices, and confessional Lutheran commitments to revive the classical Lutheran liberal arts tradition of the University of Wittenberg, which C.F.W. Walther and other early LCMS leaders transplanted to America. The student body, like the faculty, is entirely Lutheran. Applicants for admission must submit an essay concerning Lutheran theology and also a letter of reference from their pastor.
While all students complete about 80% of their coursework in common, the remaining 20% allows for some specialization as pre-seminary students enroll in biblical languages and future teachers pursue the “Marks for a Classical Lutheran Educator” developed by the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education. “No other institution has worked as closely with CCLE in aligning its curriculum as LCC has,” notes the Consortium’s president, Rev. Stephen Kieser. Given the unique mission and identity of LCC, the Board of Regents opted to pursue RSO status rather than requesting to join the Concordia University System.
Meanwhile, LCC’s finalization of the curriculum and recruitment of the faculty continue to progress, with or without RSO status. “RSO is only one of several ways LCC has considered seeking a closer relationship with Synod in order to serve the broader church,” explains Dr. William Lipke, director of admissions. “Our applicants remain excited to join the first cohort of students starting classes in August 2025, knowing that LCC will deliver an unparalleled quality of classical Lutheran education.” Currently, about 35 applicants have been accepted for admission, on track for a target enrollment of 60 students. Over half of them have designated the Pre-Seminary Track, Teacher Certification Track, or Parish Music Track as their intended focus at LCC.
“Our desire to serve Synod by training future pastors and teachers, as well as a conservative and faithful laity, speaks for itself,” said Pres. Harold Ristau, who intends to seek further discussion with Synod leaders in the wake of the recent decision regarding LCC’s application for RSO status. “The college’s vision remains focused,” notes Rev. John Hill, president of the Wyoming District of the LCMS. LCC educates Lutherans in the classical, Lutheran tradition and prepares them for godly vocations within family, church, and society, fostering Christian culture through study of the best of our Western heritage.
Those interested in understanding LCC’s aims in applying for RSO status may read the application the college submitted here.