With the goal of sending forth college graduates who have a mastery of Latin, Luther Classical College now offers two pathways for incoming students:
1. The Early Latin Pathway serves students who have had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Latin prior to college, such as by completing Wheelock’s Latin or Henle’s Latin I and Latin II in high school.
2. The Late Latin Pathway serves students who have had little opportunity to study Latin before entering LCC. This group of students has several options. Ideally, they will complete Latin 131: Introductory Latin I and Latin 132: Introductory Latin II in residence at LCC during the summer preceding their first year of college. If successful in finishing both courses by mid August, such students will join the Early Latin Pathway students in Latin 233: Intermediate Latin Prose during the fall semester. Alternatively, they may complete the equivalent of Latin 131 (such as Wheelock, chapters 1–20) prior to the fall semester, and then enroll in Latin 132 (progressing through Wheelock, chapter 40) during their first year at LCC. Finally, even students with no prior experience in Latin may begin studies in the A.A. Trade Partnership Track during the fall semester. This track includes the same core courses as other tracks, minus Latin. Trade students may change to a B.A. track (such as Pre-Seminary, Teacher Certification, or Parish Music) if they finish Latin 131 and Latin 132 during the summer between their first and second year of college.
To ensure that Late Latin Pathway students can complete an associate of arts degree within two years and a bachelor of arts degree within four years, LCC has reclassified Latin 234: Intermediate Latin Poetry and Latin 345: Patristic Latin as electives rather than requirements. These courses will continue to be offered regularly, with encouragement for all students to enroll as their schedules permit.
LCC offers free Latin tutoring sessions via videoconference to prospective students during their junior and senior years of high school. These sessions prepare students for LCC’s Latin Placement Exam, by which students can be matched to the Early or Late Latin Pathway as appropriate. LCC also has prepared a list of Latin resources, including books, websites, and private tutors.
LCC’s ultimate aim is to provide the highest quality of education in the classical tradition of the Lutheran liberal arts, including Latin readings courses for all baccalaureate students. LCC recognizes that many students have worked diligently via homeschool curricula, online academies, private schools, and individual tutors. Some are ready for the Early Latin Pathway, while others may benefit from the Late Latin Pathway. Both pathways lead to the same destination: an exciting world of primary texts that bear witness to the foundations of Western civilization and the life of the medieval church. For more information, contact LCC’s Admissions Department.