LCC Students Eligible to Compete for Truman Scholarship
Juniors at Luther Classical College will have the opportunity to be nominated to compete for a Truman Scholarship. Named in honor of America’s thirty-third president, the Truman Foundation seeks to identify and support the next generation of the USA’s leaders by recognizing and rewarding students committed to careers in public

LCC Offers Incoming Students Greater Flexibility for Meeting Latin Requirement
With the goal of sending forth college graduates who have a mastery of Latin, Luther Classical College now offers two pathways for incoming students: 1. The Early Latin Pathway serves students who have had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Latin prior to college, such as by completing Wheelock’s

LCC’s Board Chair and Academic Dean Collaborate for English Edition of Magdeburg Confession
On February 18, Concordia Publishing House released a new edition of the Magdeburg Confession, translated by the Rev. Dr. Christian Preus, with a historical introduction and commentary by Dr. Ryan MacPherson. Preus serves as chairman of the board of regents for Luther Classical College, where MacPherson serves as academic dean.

LCC Rolls Out 8 Financial Aid Options
As paid deposits by incoming students cross the 50% threshold of target enrollment for August 2025, LCC is pleased to announce eight financial aid options, including three internal scholarships plus five opportunities from outside sources. Eligible students may automatically receive two of LCC’s internal scholarships: a tuition reduction based upon

Space Remains for New Applicants to Join Historic First Class at LCC
With classroom space at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ready to accommodate two sections of 35 students for each core course, Luther Classical College is prepared to welcome up to 70 students for its historic first class in August 2025. “Back in September 2023, we decided to aim for 50 to

LCC Invites CUS Visitation Team for Fall 2025
Luther Classical College (LCC) has invited the Concordia University System (CUS) to send an informal visitation team to meet with regents, administrators, professors, and students during its historic first fall semester. The invitation is part of LCC’s ongoing effort to explore potential pathways toward formalizing the college’s relation to the