
Luther Classical College appreciates any and all support we receive, be it a donation of money, advertisement, a donation of time and talent, or any other support. Above all, though, we ask that you would pray for us. Our Father in heaven has promised that He would hear our prayers and answer them. Further, we believe that by prayer, the greatest of things can be accomplished. Luther writes:

What do you think has accomplished such great results in the past, parrying the counsels and plots of our enemies and checking their murderous and seditious designs by which the devil expected to crush us, and the Gospel as well, except that the prayers of a few godly men intervened like an iron wall on our side? Otherwise they would have witnessed a far different drama: the devil would have destroyed all Germany in its own blood. Now they may confidently ridicule and mock. But by prayer alone we shall be a match both for them and for the devil, if we only persevere diligently and do not become slack. For whenever a good Christian prays, “Dear Father, thy will be done,” God replies from on high, “Yes, dear child, it shall indeed be done in spite of the devil and all the world.” (LC: Of Prayer, par. 31-32)

Therefore, we ask that you would pray for the work being done at Luther Classical College. Included on this page are specific petitions that we will update seasonally based on the work we are doing at that time.

Let us pray...

Almighty and eternal God, you hate nothing you have made and you forgive the sins of those who are penitent. Create in us new and contrite hearts that we truly repent of our sins, acknowledge our wretchedness, and obtain perfect forgiveness from you, the God of all mercy.
Save and defend Your Church from the enemies of Your Word. Give us faithful pastors and teachers who will gather Your sheep with Your voice, feed them Your blessed Sacrament and lead us into Your everlasting presence. Teach us the love of Your name and the desire for what is good and right, that we would renounce all false religion and love You with our whole heart, mind, body and strength; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen